Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sophie makes a comeback!!!

So I just wanted to let everyone know that my niece Sophie that had heart surgery for a rare disorder called ALCAPA is now doing well. She had a follow-up ECHO and her heart function is normal. She only has a minimal scar on her heart. They were also able to get her off 3 of her heart medications. Please keep her in your prayers. We love our nieces and nephew so much.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

23-25 weeks!!

25 Weeks

23 Weeks

So Ryan and I have made it to 25 weeks so far today. We had our 24 week appointment last week and everything is looking great. I am gaining weight right on target and am measuring just right. I am definately feeling Kinsey move alot more- she is kicking up a storm. Ryan is also able to feel her kick (or punch). We are now waiting to get the nursery furniture in so that we can begin getting everything together. We have a stroller and car seat- hopefully we have enough room in the Lexus! Stay tuned for further updates!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Belly Bump!

Megan and I showing off our cute pregnant bellies!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Crib Shopping!

So Ryan and I were able to go up to Columbia, SC today to finally look at cribs. We weren't a fan of the cribs at Babies R' Us. Since that is the only baby store nearby, we had to make the trip. We had found a crib we both agreed on online- but of course ended up buying a completely different crib. We got the matching dresser and of course a glider for the nursery. I can't wait until the nursery is done. Our next task is to register for everything else we need.

I am behind on the belly shots, so here they are:

18 Weeks-