Sunday, March 14, 2010

Best of Charleston!

I wanted to congratulate my husband on all of his hard work with the Wag Factory! We have been voted the "Best of Charleston" for Doggie Day Care. Please check out the Wag Factory's new blog:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2 Months!

Well Kinsey is now over 2 months old- she is growing so fast. She has made it through her first thanksgiving, christmas and new years! She is the happiest baby and loves to smile. Her favorite place is her crib- she especially loves her mobile! She also made it through her first shots. She cried some, but even the nurse said she was a tough girl as she only cried for a second and was then back to smiling. We made it through with just a little fussiness, but no fevers or any bad reactions.

Kinsey is getting more head strength everyday and loves to look around. She also enjoys having conversation with us. She gets pretty loud at times, especially if she thinks you aren't listening. She is also right on target for height and weight. Ryan and I couldn't have asked for a better little girl!!!
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